What is ELearning?

ELearning, commonly referred to as electronic learning, is the process of utilising technology to
be able to learn through digital resources. This can be provided by smart-phones, computers,
desktop computers, and tablets for example.
As long as you have access to the internet you are good to train, learn, and educate!
ELearning has become increasingly popular in businesses and schools in recent years due to
the likes of COVID-19, where most people had to work/learn from home. From zoom calls, to
online courses, eLearning was a solid ground to rely on.
Some businesses even chose to keep their work from home opportunities!

Challenges Faced with ELearning, Including Digital Implications

Despite a myriad of benefits, eLearning experiences may come with some challenges. For
example, not everyone has equal access to ICT (information and communications technology.)
A student/learner may have the latest smartphone or a Macbook pro that can deliver amazing
quality; whilst another student may not be as fortunate. This creates unfair advantages within
eLearning environments.
Another common challenge is bandwidth limitation. This has an impact on the rate of data being
transferred, which, if maximum capacity is reached, can cause slower internet, poor camera
quality, and limits the amount of data that can be transmitted.
Then, of course there is the limitation of internet subscription costs. The sole purpose of
eLearning is to create equal and ideal opportunities for anyone. However high costs of internet
subscriptions can limit people’s opportunities as they may not have the sufficient funds for
internet access.

Personalising the ELearning Experience:

Thankfully, there are ways to overcome common challenges faced with eLearning. One of which
would be personalising the digital learning experiences. The great thing about this is that it can
be personalised to meet the specific requirements and learning needs of an individual. It
enables them to set their own goals, from easy to aspirational, knowing that they are capable of
achieving them.
There are multiple ways of individualising eLearning.

An example would be to allow one-to-one discussions with learners. This is so that their learning
needs and opinions can be discussed so that the correct support can be provided.
Another example of how to personalise eLearning is to adapt content specifically for the student.
This ensures that they are receiving work that is best suited to their understanding, whilst also
being challenging enough to them to help them grow.
Said ways of personalising the eLearning experience were discussed further in a collaborative
event hosted by BCS Embrace, supported by GoLiveTest. The purpose of this event was to
propose the idea of personalised eLearning to providers, users, and tech specialists in hope that
the future of eLearning is bright and successful for all learners and educators.

Benefits of Personalising ELearning

By personalising their eLearning experience users have the freedom to choose which devices
they learn on and the pace in which they’d like to learn. Having such freedom then has a ripple
effect on their motivation and confidence.
As for introverted individuals, personalised eLearning can be a great way to allow them to select
the level of interaction with others that they’d be comfortable with.
Another advantage of personalised eLearning is that it can accommodate varied learning styles.
For example if they prefer to learn interactively then they have the choice to do so; or if their
preferred learning style is through reading/ writing then that option is also available to them.
Along with a multitude of other benefits, personalised eLearning also includes feedback. All
learners can be given individualised feedback so that they have a better understanding of how
to improve their work.

Solutions GoLiveTest could have:

Here at GoLiveTest we have a mission to support young adults and help them to fulfill their
potential. We specialise in using quality assurance (QA) and software testing to ensure
software is working properly and efficiently. Therefore, we have solutions to tackle the digital
challenges that come with eLearning, and ensure that these experiences are improved upon.
We also specialise in delivering meaningful messages, hence why we supported BCS
EMBRACE with discussions around the future of eLearning.
Learn more about our services here: https://golivetest.com/
Alternatively, email us at info@golivetest.com, should you wish to know more.